Seasons Greetings Clayton Christmas Parade participants, volunteers and spectators!

The Clayton Rotary Club and The Town of Clayton want to remind all parade participants, volunteers and spectators of the long-established set of safety measures for the Clayton Christmas Parade slated for Saturday, December 14, 2024. As with any special event, safety is our number one priority. Incident action plans are in place and are constantly being adjusted to ensure the safest environment possible. The Clayton Police Department will be verifying vehicles participating in the parade have a current registration and that all drivers have a valid operator’s license and are at least 18 years of age. We are looking forward to continuing the tradition of a safe and fun parade for all and appreciate your cooperation!

2024 Parade Entrant Information

Entrant Registration for the 2024 Clayton Christmas Parade is now closed. Please check the ENTRANT PARADE DAY INSTRUCTIONS page regularly for important information.

Rotary Club of Clayton & Town of Clayton

The Clayton Rotary Club was founded in 1925 and is celebrating 99 years of service this year. The Club is very engaged in the community as a group and through the time and efforts of it's members in a multitude of community roles. Please take a moment to click on the Service above Self button to learn more about our Club and please come join us at our weekly meeting on Thursdays at 7 am at Rainbow Lanes; breakfast is on us! The Town of Clayton celebrated its 150th Anniversary in 2019! This year it is 155 years and Clayton has come a long way as exemplified by the fact it is the fastest growing Town in Johnston County. Please take a moment to learn more about what's happening in your Town, by clicking on the Think Clayton button. Then come join us on December 14th at the Parade as an entrant, volunteer or spectator!